Saturday, November 14, 2020

Annotated Summary (Revised on 25/11/2020)

Solar Film (2019). Explore the Benefits of Photochromic film for your home or commercial space.,are%20linked%20to%20skin%20cancer 

In the article, Solar Film(2019) focuses on the benefits of the photochromic film which includes four main points. Photochromic films allow 99.9% of UV protection which helps to reduce “fading and discolouration” on housing or commercial items. The films also help to protect our skin to prevent skin cancer. Heat reduction is another way the film will help as it reflects over 90% of infrared rays. This way, air conditioning can work less to maintain the temperature in the office which in return helps to save on bills. Photochromic films aid in dramatically lower the glare that increases the comfort level for occupants of office buildings. The films do not need any help with the transition from “clear to tinted and back to clear” as it reacts to changes in sunlight to darken or lighten automatically. 

This article also provides useful information for our research project on the use of photochromic films to help increase cooling efficiency in office buildings. From the aspect of cooling efficiency, photochromic films helps to protect offices from UV and infrared rays. This would help to reduce the temperature in the building and help to decrease the workload of the air conditioning which in return helps to save costs. Not only can the film help to protect offices from the rays, but also prevents skin cancer and increase the comfort level for workers in the building.

Read: Ash, Valencia & Eryn

Revised: 25/11/2020


  1. Dear Yume,

    This is a well summarised article.

    The second half of the second sentence of the second paragraph seems to be a fragmented sentence, perhaps you might want to consider amending it so it can sound more smooth.


    1. Hi Bernice,

      Thank you for your comment. I will amend my annotated summary.


  2. Dear Yume,

    This is a well written summary article.

    There is another fragmented sentence in the first paragraph. Instead of writing "This way, air conditioning will need to work lesser...", it can be written as "This way, air conditioning can work lesser...".


    1. Hi Eryn,

      Thank you for the comment. I will look at my annotated summary and amend it.


  3. Dear Yume,

    The article is well summarised, but I feel that the sentence "Photochromic films aid in dramatically lower glare" is grammatically incorrect. Consider changing it to "dramatically lowering the glare" instead! Other than that, it is clear and concise.

    Valencia Tan

  4. Hi Valencia,

    Thank you for the comment. I will look through my summary.



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