Thursday, September 10, 2020

Task 3 - The importance of the communicating skills of engineers - Quote 3 (Revised 16/9)


“Employers identify communication as 

one of the basic competencies every graduate should have, 

asserting that the ability to communicate is 

valuable for obtaining employment and maintaining

 successful job performance.”

Sherwyn Morreale, Michael Osborn & Judy Pearson, Professors of Communication (2000)


Communication is something that everyone in the workforce requires as

 it helps to convey the message that we want to bring forth to our employers 

 Without being able to communicate well with our employers, 

we will not be able to build strong relationships with them.

Revised on 16th September 2020


  1. Thanks, Yume.

    Your explanation ges beyond the scope of the original. You mention peers and colleagues. Is that the extent of the audience suggested in the original?

    1. Thank you for the feedback Prof.

      After attending the lesson today, i realized that what i had wasn't base on the quote and I didn't cover any of the above. My explanation should have been based towards communication between the employer and myself instead of colleagues.


Critical Reflection

  The effective communication module was a great learning experience. During the biweekly lessons with Prof Brad, we slowly covered all the ...